
Knitted Mini Blanket in Etsy Treasury

A very kind Thank you to Mariken Tetteroo of Trootoys on Etsy for including my knitted mini blanket in her "a loving home" Treasury today!
Click the picture's to view on Etsy or click the link below my signature 
Hugs, Jean


Giveaway at Jessica Lacey Photography

Wonderful Giveaway over at Jessica Lacey Photography!
Amazing Vendors have donated all kinds of items and certificates.
I have a gift certificate waiting to be won by some lucky winner!
Click her logo below to get to her blog and enter!
Click the picture below to get to her Facebook Page and give her some love... She's worth it!


Misty Brogdon Photography Prop Giveaway

Huge Giveaway on Misty Brogdon's Blog!
I'm participating and giving away this sweet wool bonnet!
Hurry!  Contest ends on January 19th!
Click the picture to get to her Blog or click HERE.
Blessings, Jean
Baby Le Cradle


My Knit Baby Hat made it to an Etsy Treasury!

Yay!  My White Pixie Bonnet made it into this Gorgeous Treasury by Tashas Toys on Etsy!
etsy treasury knit baby hat
This is such an adorable picture of this hat in action isn't it?
I'm so thankful for Kamieo of Kamieo Photography... she is absolutely the best!

knit pixie bonnet prop

To visit this listing, which is ready to ship, click here.
If it sells, I'll make a 'made to order' listing!
Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings, Jean


Give Away Hand Knit Baby Hat

I'm having a Give Away on my Facebook over the next couple days!
If you're on Facebook, run over there and enter to win this adorable White Bonnet!
When you get there, simply follow what the picture below says and maybe Santa will mail you this gift!

knit_baby_hat_give away_photo prop_infant_photography
Hurry!  The give away ends 11/19 at midnight CST!
Blessings, Jean  :)


Knit Newborn Hats for Christmas!

Newborn Baby Knit Hats for Christmas
Available in made to order in my Etsy Shop now!
knit baby hat christmas
 Loving the pixie style chinstrap... click here to order!
red chinstrap bonnet newborn
 For this little red helmet style with chinstrap click here

Kamieo Photography took the MOST adorable shots with these precious babies!  She sure knows how to make magic with a camera!
Check out more of her fantastic magic over on her Facebook, or visit her website at http://www.kamieophotography.com/
Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings, Jean
Visit my Etsy for more baby stuff!
Stop by my Facebook and become a Fan!


Knit Baby Hat in Different Styles for the Holidays

Christmas Time Already
Ok, yes I understand Turkey day is right around the corner... but!
I created three different styles to suit your needs on these adorable Red Knit Baby Hats!
Of course, I could continue coming up with more variations... hehehe
Please click in any of the pictures below to take you to my Etsy shop!

Knit Baby Hat Newborn Pixie Chinstrap


Knit Baby Hat Helmet Chinstrap

Knit Baby Hat Pixie with Ties

Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings, Jean